Bertrand Gachot

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From The ESPN F1 Driver Database Who Reproduced it from The Ultimate Encyclopedia of 
Formula One published by Carlton Books

A cosmopolitan mixture of Belgian, French and Luxembourgeois, Bertrand 
was the first driver to race under the flag of the European Community.
Trained when in karting never to cede a corner to another driver, even if it 
meant crashing himself, he gained the reputation of being uncompromising. 
Bertrand was a contemporary of Mark Blundell, Damon Hill and Johnny Herbert 
in British Formula Ford in the mid-1980s, and he finished as the runner-up to 
Herbert in the 1987 British Formula Three Championship, before graduating to 
Formula 3000 and then straight on to Formula One in 1989.
Unfortunately, Bernard joined the Moneytron Onyx team and seldom qualified.
 An even worse year followed in 1990 when he drove the overweight, Subaru
powered Coloni. Salvation came in 1991, from Jordan. And all was going well,
including fifth place in Canada, when Bertrand was jailed for spraying CS gas in 
the face of a London taxi driver. Back with Larrousse in 1992, he struggled 
through 1994 with Pacific as a shareholder of the team. He was forced to stand 
down when funds ran short in 1995.

I think it should be noted here that during Betrand's
two months stay in prison, his place was given to a brand new driver to F1 by 
the name of Michael Schumacher.

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